Professional Construction Estimator and Appraiser. Independent property damage estimator and consultant. We represent fire, water, vandalism and other property damage claimants who are looking for an estimator independent of their insurance company and vendor contractors.

We offer construction estimation and marketing services to the Construction and Insurance Restoration Industry.

We offer insurance claim estimation, claims appraisal, subrogation evaluation, cause and origin investigation and reporting and construction consultation to independent adjusters and insurance carriers.

Below is a 3-D rendering of our home office. We use this latest 3-D technology to document the damages to your home or property, and create amazing 3-D virtual tours, which documents, dimensions and creates as-built floor plans, dollhouse perspective, and a bird’s-eye overview.  There has been countless times, whereby typical photographs that we’ve taken were used to prove damages and settle claims. This 3-D technology will change everything!